Kamalahar Capsules – Hepatitis Natural Medicine


It prevents hepatic disorders

It stimulates appetite and growth

It also helps in the regeneration of hepatic cells.


Kamalahar is an indigenous ayurvedic medicine that is very effective in the treatment of hepatitis, jaundice, fatty liver, cirrhosis, ascites and other liver disorders. Kamalahar prevents hepatic disorders and stimulates appetite and growth. It also helps in the regeneration of hepatic cells.
Kamalahar is highly effective in the treatment of
1) Hepatitis
2) Cirrhosis of Liver
3) Alcohol/Drugs Induced Hepatitis
4) Fatty Liver
5) Sluggish/Swollen Liver
6) Jaundice
Herbal Source:
Kamalahar is enriched with Tecoma undulata, Phyllanthus urinaria, Embelia ribes, Taraxacum officinale, Mineral salts, Nyctanthes arbortritis and Terminalia arjuna.
Intake of fats, oils, spices and non-vegetarian food to be reduced (below 20% of normal). Alcohol should be avoided.
The dosage are 2 capsules 3 times a day after meal. It is equally effective and safe across all age groups and also during pregnancy/lactation.
Duration of Medication
Patients suffering from liver problems such as Hepatitis, Cirrhosis, Fatty Liver, Ascites and Alcoholic/Chronic Liver Disorder need to take full course of Kamalahar. A full course of treatment is 12 bottles lasting 6 months.
Complications and Contraindications
No complications, contraindications, or side effects have been observed.


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